France Lemoine,
Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies
Phone: 78093
Academic History
- M.A. University of California, Los Angeles
- Ph.D. University of California, Berkeley
Academic Focus
French literature and cultural and intellectual history from the French Revolution to the First World War.
Novels as dynamic spaces of social explorations and critique;, the assertion of symbolic power through language; the role of women and salons in the development of French values; the representation of the guillotine in the literary imaginary of the Nineteenth Century; the pyrrhic victory of wit over valor during the Revolution; law, literature and the French Revolution.
Current Projects
Analysis of the legal and literary silences and discourses surrounding theguillotine in the Nineteenth Century; exploration of an adaptation of Proust's novel À la Recherche du Temps Perdu in graphic novel form; the media of the French salon in 19th century memoirs; and the spectacle of death during the Terror.Courses Taught
- Beginning and Intensive first-year French (FR 1, FR 2, FR 22)
- Hugo, Women and the French Revolution (FR 178) (Fall 2011)
- The French Hunger for life: Intro to French Literature (FR 44)
- Wit and Ridicule in the French Salon (FR 173)
- French Frogs and Quebec Ouaouarons: A Cultural Analysis of French and Quebec Identity (FR 118)
- Women of freedom: from Mme de Lafayette to Amélie Nothomb. (French 124)