Kimberly Drake,
Professor of Writing; Chair, Department of Writing and Rhetoric; Adviser in the Environmental Analysis Non-Science Tracks; Director of the Writing Program; Scripps College Academy Faculty Liaison
Phone: 78372
Academic History
Ph.D., English, University of California, Berkeley. Graduate coursework in Composition Theory
B.A. with High Honors, English, University of California, Berkeley
Academic Focus
- Protest writing and rhetoric
- American literature and culture
- Disability literature
- Prison writing
- Short story and experimental fiction writing
- Punk rock literature and subcultures
- Writing pedagogy
- Feminist theory, disability theory, queer theory, theories of race and class
soccer, hiking, dogs, food, alternative lifestyles
Courses Taught
- Critical Analysis: Writing for Social Change.
- Arts + Culture Review.
- Protest Writing and Rhetoric.
- Core I: Histories of the Present. Lectures: “Resisting Institutions: Representation and Social Justice in Susan Nussbaum’s Good Kings Bad Kings; “‘Terrible Memory’: Toni Morrison’s Beloved”; “Representations of Slavery: Frederick Douglass’ Narrative”; “‘She Was Different’: Identity, Representation, and the Color Line in Nella Larsen’s Fiction”; “How to Read a ‘World Made of Stories’: Leslie Marmon Silko’s Ceremony”; “Free-for-all: Hobo Literature, Punk Rock, and Critiques of Consumerism in Evasion.”
- Core II: Constructions of (Dis)Ability; 20th Century Protest Movements in Words and Music; The Cultural Politics of Punk and Hip-Hop; Tragedy, Trauma, and Terror; Tragedy and National Narratives.
- Core III: Anarchist Movements and Culture; The Feminist Politics of Subcultures.
Selected Research and Publications
- Critical Insights: Literature of Fear, Paranoia, and Terror. Volume Editor and Contributor ("The Brain Has Corridors," "Fear and 'Paranoia' in/about Richard Wright's Novels"). NY: Grey House Press. Spring 2017.
- Critical Insights: The Slave Narrative. Volume Editor and Contributor (“On the Slave Narrative,” “Rewriting the American Self,” “‘Terrible Memory’: Toni Morrison’s Beloved”). NY: Grey House Press, April 2014.
- Critical Insights: Literature of Protest. Volume Editor and Contributor (“On the Literature of Protest,” “Nella Larsen and Langston Hughes: Modernist Protest in the Harlem Renaissance,” and “The Meaning of Rape in Richard Wright’s Native Son”). NY: Salem Press, April 2013.
- Stinging for their Suppers: How Women in Prison Nourish Their Bodies and Souls. Coeditor and Contributor (“The Crossroads Workshop”). Lulu Press, March 2013.
- Subjectivity in the American Protest Novel. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
- “Women on the Go: Blues, Conjure, and Other Alternatives to Domesticity in Ann Petry’s The Street and The Narrows.” Reprinted in Children’s Literature Review, special issue on Ann Lane Petry. March 17, 2017. Originally printed in Arizona Quarterly 54.1 (Spring 1998); reprinted in A Critical Collection of Essays on Ann Petry, ed. Hazel Ervin, Greenwood Press, July 2005.
- “Genderqueering Language at a ‘Women’s’ College.” The Writing Instructor special issue, “Queer and Now.” March 2015.
- Judge, the Writing Prize, an international student competition sponsored by The Atlantic and the College Board. One of twenty judges nationwide. March 2016.
- Consultant and reviewer, AP English Composition Curriculum. February-April, 2015.
Awards and Honors
- Scripps Research Grants (2017-18, 2015-16, 2012-13, 2009-10).
- Mary W. Johnson Award for Faculty Achievement in Teaching 2014-2015. $5000.
- Alliance to Advance Liberal Arts Colleges Grant. Faculty Development Workshop in Critical Disability Studies and Universal Design for Learning. Fall 2014 and Spring 2015.
- Mary W. Johnson Award for Faculty Achievement in Teaching 2012-2013. $5000.
- Professor of the Year 2012-2013, a student-selected award.
- Mary W. Johnson Award for Faculty Achievement in Scholarship 2010-2011. $5000.