Feminista Frequencies: The Cultural Power of Producing and Archiving Community Radio

Hampton Room 1030 Columbia Ave, Claremont

Community radio, led by Chicanas and farmworkers in rural areas, has a history of connecting more isolated communities with the world around them. Dr. Monica De La Torre’s book Feminista Frequencies: Community Building Through Radio in the Yakima Valley centers the work of Radio Cadena KDNA 91.9 FM in Granger, Washington and the cultural power […]

Film screening, Personhood: Policing Pregnant Women in America

Hampton Room 1030 Columbia Ave, Claremont

Friday, April 14, noon, Hampton Room, Scripps College.  (Bring your lunch!) Through the story of Tammy Loehrtscher, a rural Wisconsin woman who was jailed after telling her doctor about her occasional pre-conception drug use, this documentary tracks the rise of the “fetal personhood” movement and reveals a growing system of laws in America that target […]

I Can’t Wait to Call You My Wife, a reading by Rita Roberts

Hampton Room 1030 Columbia Ave, Claremont

Professor Roberts will be reading from her latest book, I Can't Wait to Call You My Wife. In this stirring curatorial achievement, a scholar compiles letters exchanged among African Americans as the Civil War blasted away the scaffolding of bondage, hinting at an uncertain future. In 1861, a Virginia slave, John Washington, proposed marriage to […]

Is Popular Support for Autocracy a Problem of Information? An Experimental Approach in Hungary

Hampton Room 1030 Columbia Ave, Claremont

A wealth of recent political science research focuses on how media consolidation under state rule can exacerbate democratic erosion, among other things by limiting access to narratives that counter the government’s viewpoint. Hungary is one of the most frequently cited examples of this corrosive media effect. We disagree with the corrosion hypothesis, and seek to test the […]

A (Mostly) Missed Window of Opportunity: Tracking Gender-Responsive COVID-19 Recovery in Germany, Finland, and Canada / Talk by Jennifer Piscopo, Occidental College

Hampton Room 1030 Columbia Ave, Claremont

From increased care burdens to significant employment loss, women suffered disproportionately during COVID-19. International organizations like the European Union called for gender-sensitive responses, yet feminist advocates and bureaucrats largely failed to influence governments’ COVID-19 recovery plans. Such failure appeared across even disparate cases: Germany has a conservative, male breadwinner welfare regime, and Finland has a […]

War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict

Hampton Room 1030 Columbia Ave, Claremont

You are invited to join Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK, author and activist in conversation about her latest book release, War in Ukraine: Making Sense of a Senseless Conflict, co-written with Nicolas Davies. Learn more about the events leading up to the conflict, risks of escalation, and opportunities for peace. For more information, contact [email protected] […]

Beyond the Wall: Fronteriza and Feminist Imaginaries

Hampton Room 1030 Columbia Ave, Claremont

Michelle Tellez Dr. Michelle Téllez is an Associate Professor in the Department of Mexican American Studies at the University of Arizona. Her public and academic scholarship focuses on transnational community formations, mothering, and gendered migration along the U.S./Mexico border. She has a long history in grassroots organizing projects, digital media and community-based arts and performance. […]

The Artificial Woman

Hampton Room 1030 Columbia Ave, Claremont

Steve Gunderson and Amy Gerstler on their musical play in progress. "The Artificial Woman" is a two-act musical based on historical characters and events. Set in so-called "Golden Age Vienna", the play focusses on the tempestuous, three-year relationship between Austrian expressionist artist Oskar Kokoschka and Alma Mahler, a composer and widow of Gustav Mahler.

Migration, Oppression, Empowerment Romani and Sinti Feminists Speak

Hampton Room 1030 Columbia Ave, Claremont

Isidora Randjelovic and Svetlana Kostic: Migration, Oppression, Empowerment Romani and Sinti Feminists Speak Introduced by Margo Okazawa-Rey Isidora Randjelovic and Svetlana Kostic are members of RomaniPhen, a Berlin-based organization that emerged in 2018 from IniRromnja, an association of Romani and Sinti women who no longer accept that rejection, hostility and violence against Romani and Sinti people are […]