Sadie Buck comes from a long line of traditional singers, dancers, ritualists, performers, and office holders amongst the longhouse people of eastern North America. She has been raised in a traditional longhouse fashion and has maintained this in her own adult life and with her own family life. The knowledge she has acquired through living this kind of life has honed her skills to a master level. Her company Indigenous Arts and Cultural Consulting and Training (IACCT) is devoted to “using traditional methodologies to direct our future”. Sadie provides workshops and teaches at different levels from children to adults, from groups and clubs through to universities, the skills required to understand and transpose traditional skills to contemporary situations. She has taught in many universities including Harvard University, Hamilton College, University of Toronto and also at Takitumu Trust in New Zealand and at the National Aboriginal and Islanders Skills Development Corporation in Australia. Sadie works in the fields of music, dance, film, television and theatre. She is a composer, author, performer, director, mother and aunty.