Scripps College Professor Emerita Gayle Greene discussed her new book Missing Persons: A Memoir on November 1 at an event sponsored by the Intercollegiate Feminist Center at The Claremont Colleges. Greene has published books on Shakespeare, women writers, feminist criticism, and insomnia. Her 2008 bestseller, Insomniac, won rave reviews by The New England Journal of Medicine, Wall Street Journal, and O: The Oprah Magazine. Greene retired in 2014 after 40 years as professor of literature and women’s studies at Scripps. Her work has appeared in scholarly journals such as Signs, Contemporary Literature, and Renaissance Drama, and in more popular venues such as Ms. Magazine, The Nation, The Women’s Review of Books, and In These Times. Missing Persons is about dealing with death “in a culture that gives no help” and is available on Amazon.com.