News Releases (page 16)
In the Media: MSN Entertainment Cites Roberto Pedace’s Analysis of Celebrity Salaries
MSN Entertainment cited Professor of Economics Roberto Pedace’s analysis of Hollywood salaries in an article on celebrities who’ve negotiated for better pay.
Read MoreScripps Faculty Take Over WAMC’s Academic Minute
Scripps College faculty will be featured daily during the week of February 1, 2021, on WAMC Northeast Public Radio’s Academic Minute, a daily podcast dedicated to condensed updates on groundbreaking research.
Read MoreIn the Media: Vanessa Tyson Discusses Justin Turner and COVID-19 in Time
Associate Professor of Politics Vanessa Tyson spoke to Time magazine about her reaction to Justin Turner’s decision to join the rest of his Dodgers teammates in an on-the-field World Series victory celebration, after having earlier been pulled from the game due to a positive COVID-19 test.
Read MoreIn the Media: “Be Slower, Do Less,” Michelle Decker Tells the Chronicle of Higher Education
Assistant Professor of English Michelle Decker spoke to the Chronicle of Higher Education about the analog teaching methods she’s using during this online semester. Guided by the motto “be slower, […]
Read MoreIn the Media: Stacey Wood Discusses Consumer Fraud and COVID-19 in the New York Times
Stacey Wood, professor of psychology and Molly Mason Jones Chair in Psychology, discussed the increase in coronavirus-related consumer fraud with the New York Times. “Disruption and fast-moving events create good conditions to target consumers,” she told the Times.
Read MoreIn the Media: Sean Flynn Discusses Singapore’s Healthcare Model with Forbes
Sean Flynn, associate professor of economics and chair of the Department of Economics, discussed Singapore’s health care system on the What’s Ahead podcast with Steve Forbes of Forbes.
Read MoreIn the Media: Stacey Wood Describes Common Financial Elder Abuse Trends to Newsweek
Stacey Wood, professor of psychology and Molly Mason Jones Chair in Psychology, described common financial elder abuse trends in a Newsweek article about the alleged financial abuse of Star Trek actress Nichelle Nichols. While Woods did not speak specifically about the Nichols case, she likened abusers’ tactics, such as isolation and dependency, to a “siege mentality, us against them.”
Read MoreIn the Media: Cindy Forster Examines Jeanine Áñez’s Impact on Bolivia in People’s Dispatch
In a two-part series for People’s Dispatch, Cindy Forster, professor of history and chair of Latin American studies, examines the impact that interim president Jeanine Áñez has had on Bolivia since taking power, arguing that Áñez is waging a war on women.
Read MoreIn the Media: Los Angeles Times Interviews Martha Gonzalez about New Book Chican@ Artivistas
The Los Angeles Times spoke with Martha Gonzalez, associate professor of Chicanx-Latinx Studies and Grammy-winning lead singer of Quetzal, about her new book, Chican@ Artivistas: Music, Community, and Transborder Tactics in East Los Angeles. “I hope that I get people to think about music in new ways,” she said. “That music isn’t just a commodity.”
Read MoreIn the Media: Rita Roberts Discusses Racist Corporate Symbols in USA Today
In USA Today, Rita Roberts, Nathaniel Wright Stephenson Chair in History and Biography Chair and Professor of History and Africana Studies, discussed how Aunt Jemima and other racist corporate symbols have reinforced white supremacy beyond the breakfast table.
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