has recognized Scripps College among its top 20 “affordable, small sustainable” colleges in its recent ranking. Editors of the internet-based publication selected the schools based on their undergraduate enrollment, Sustainability Tracking, Assessment & Rating Systemâ„¢, and net tuition. Scripps is highlighted for such sustainable practices as growing 20 varieties of edible produce, and producing its own olive oil. The ranking distills the attributes of several hundred U.S. colleges that, according to editors, “offer students high concern for sustainability without sacrificing the intimacy of the small college experience.” The colleges are also sorted by their net tuition, or what the average family pays out-of-pocket for a student to attend college after subtracting grants, loans, work-study, and student aid from the total cost.
College Values Online states its mission is to provide individuals with assistance in selecting a college by offering rankings of schools and various degree programs, in addition to information on numerous career options from a value perspective.