
Gabby Giffords (page 5)

September 25, 2020

In the Media: Vanity Fair Profiles Gabby Giffords ’93’s Fight to Combat Gun Violence

Gabby Giffords ’93, a former congresswoman from Arizona, was profiled in Vanity Fair for her ongoing work to combat gun violence.

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August 20, 2020

In the Media: Gabrielle Giffords ’93 Delivers Powerful Convention Speech, CNN Reports

Gabrielle Giffords ’93 delivered a powerful speech on resilience and strength at the Democratic National Convention, CNN reported. “Words once came easily; today I struggle to speak. But I have not lost my voice. America needs all of us to speak out, even when you have to fight to find the words,” she said.

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January 9, 2020

In the Media: House of Representatives Holds Moment of Silence for Anniversary of Attack on Gabby Giffords ’93, The Hill Reports

The Hill reported that the House of Representatives held a moment of silence to mark the ninth anniversary of the 2011 Tucson shooting, in which six people were killed and former Rep. Gabby Giffords ’93 was severely injured. Rep. Anne Kirkpatrick, who called for the moment of silence, said: “Gabby had been my mentor in the state legislature, somebody I looked up to, admired. […] She’s just outstanding in every way.”

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