Laspa Center for Leadership (page 3)
‘Scripps This Summer’ Innovates Pre-Orientation Summer Programming
A team of staff, student, and faculty representatives from the Offices of the Dean of Students, Admission, Dean of Faculty, Marketing and Communications, and the Laspa Center for Leadership designed and implemented “Scripps This Summer” (STS), an ongoing slate of remote programming aimed at engaging with incoming students in a way that had never been done before at Scripps.
Read MoreWindow into the Fall 2020 Student Life and Community
On July 28, staff members from different programs and student services hosted an online forum to provide Scripps students and families with information about virtual student life and community programs during the fall 2020 semester.
Read MoreIn the Media: Scripps’ Linda Davis Taylor Financial Literacy Program Is Featured in Worth
The Linda Davis Taylor Financial Literacy Program was featured in a Worth article about the need for college-level financial education. The piece lauds Scripps’ program, hosted by the Laspa Center for Leadership.
Read MoreMessage from Dean Marcus-Newhall and Dean Johnson
Since the decision to be remote for fall 2020, faculty and staff have been working intensely to ensure that the hallmarks of the Scripps student experience translate in a virtual world. This is an opportunity to innovate and reimagine the ways we learn and grow together, stay connected, expand our social networks and support one another.
Read MoreStephanie Du ’21’s Homespun Efforts for Community Health
When Stephanie Du ’21’s grandfather was diagnosed with a heart condition, the necessity to protect those most vulnerable to COVID-19 became all the more poignant. “I am currently living with my grandparents, who are both immunocompromised. As someone who is very close to their grandparents, I just wanted to do something that will help protect more vulnerable populations,” she says.
Read MoreIn the Media: Olivia Truesdale ’21 Uses Community Action Grant to Support Local Seed Library, ABC6 News Reports
ABC6 News reported that Olivia Truesdale ’21 is working with the Rochester Public Library in Rochester, Minnesota, to promote a community seed library and a virtual event series focused on gardening. Truesdale received $1,000 in funding from the Laspa Center for Leadership’s 2020 Community Action Grant, which supports projects that help students’ hometown communities cope with the impact of COVID-19.
Read MoreEmpowering the Rising Generation of STEM Leaders
“The general population has these preconceived notions that leadership means ‘CEO, white, male, wealthy, and corporate.’ We’re trying to break down those notions and teach that leadership looks very different if we push down those barriers,” says Vicki Klopsch, the executive director of the Laspa Center for Leadership, Scripps’ women’s leadership center, which has been bringing students to the PLEN seminar for three years running.
Read MoreFall 2020 Message from Dean of Students
I hope you are staying safe, finding ways to enjoy summer and to do some things that bring you joy. As you might imagine, this has been a busier than usual summer in Claremont as we plan for a new academic year. With respect to that planning, today President Tiedens announced the decision to conduct Scripps courses online this fall because of intensifying public health concerns across Los Angeles County, California and many other communities across the country.
Read MoreJeannette Hunker ’23 Keeps the Music Alive with Driveway Concert Series
Social distancing and shelter-at-home guidelines have affected every facet of life, from the shift to work-at-home to telemedicine doctor visits. But it’s in our communal rituals and celebrations where many people are feeling the greatest loss. “With the ban of concerts, graduation ceremonies, weddings, and other large social gatherings, most people feel a void in their lives,” says Jeanette Hunker ’23.
Read MoreNew Laspa Center Grant Will Fund Student-Led COVID-19 Relief Efforts
Scripps College Laspa Center for Leadership has introduced its 2020 Community Action Grant for current Scripps College students. Awarded in amounts between $250 to $2,000, the grant will support projects that help students’ hometown communities better cope with the impact of COVID-19.
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