
Newsroom (page 164)

March 23, 2015

Music in the Making

Ellen Pelos ’16 investigates the world of 19th-century women composers – and culminates the research with a campus recital.

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March 19, 2015

Los Angeles Times Sunday News Insert Announces Scripps College Screening of Film on Life of Artist Millard Sheets

The Foothills Reader, the Los Angeles Times’ Sunday supplement, announces Scripps College screening of a film about former Scripps College professor Millard Sheets.

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Angels and Demons: Challenging Notions of Good and Evil Intern-Curated Exhibition At Scripps College

Angels and Demons, the upcoming exhibition of pieces from the Scripps College collection, will explore the construction of good and evil across cultures, time and religious practices.

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March 18, 2015

Claremont Colleges TV: Ready for Primetime Players

Claremont Colleges TV offers Scripps College students the chance to experiment with and create whatever kind of media they like, whether it’s news, editorials, or a trip on the Spacecouch.

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March 17, 2015

Los Angeles Times Sunday Supplement ‘Foothills Reader’ Announces Barbara P. Bush Visit to Scripps College

The Foothills Reader, the Los Angeles Times’ Sunday community news insert, announces Barbara P. Bush’s March 24 visit to Scripps College.

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Silicon Valley Business Journal Spotlights Scripps College Alumna Salle Yoo ’92, Uber’s Dynamic General Counsel

The Silicon Valley Business Journal profiles Uber’s Salle Yoo ’92 and briefly mentions she’s a graduate of Scripps College. Yoo serves as the startup’s general counsel, managing Uber’s global legal and regulatory issues.

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Career Planning and Resources

From first to final day at Scripps College, the Career Planning & Resource (CP&R) Center helps students succeed with one of their most important transitions – the one from undergraduate life to life after Scripps.

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March 16, 2015

Claremont Courier Features Scripps College Professor and Alumna Mary MacNaughton ’70

In this feature story about artist and former Scripps College art professor Millard Sheets, the Claremont Courier also quotes alumna Mary MacNaughton ’70, who serves as the director of the Scripps College Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery.

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New York Times Columnist Frank Bruni Highlights Success of a Scripps College Alumna

New York Times columnist Frank Bruni mentions alumna Jenna Leahy ’10 in this commentary on “How to Survive College Admissions Madness.”

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March 12, 2015

A Scripps Student at NASA

As part of NASA’s earth sciences research intern program Taia Wu ‘15 and other interns are up at five a.m. in the Palmdale, California, flight research center, where they board a hollowed-out Boeing plane filled with scientific instruments and scattered seating, and take off.

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