
Newsroom (page 177)

May 14, 2014

Rose Cooper-Finger ’14: Studying Cultures through Language

Rose Cooper-Finger ’14 is quadrilingual: she speaks fluent English, French, German, and Spanish. And she’s used those skills extensively while at Scripps College – working toward a linguistics and cognitive science and foreign languages dual major, conducting summer research in the Basque region, and participating in off-campus study experiences in France and Germany.

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Paloma Medina ’14 : Becoming a Woman of Science

Paloma Medina ’14 has always held an interest in science, but during her first year as a Scripps student she wasn’t sure she would pursue it as a career. Something clicked during her organic chemistry class, however, and now four years later she’s graduating with a degree in biology and preparing for a yearlong research opportunity supported by a Fulbright fellowship to work with the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology in Tubingen, Germany.

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Eliza Silverman ’14: Driven by Education Policy

Eliza Silverman ’14 has worn many hats since coming to Scripps College: politics & international relations major, Motley barista, Choice USA treasurer, KidCare International tutor, and Humanities Institute Junior Fellow among others. Now she can add another: Fulbright fellowship recipient.

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Annabel Barraza ’14 : Scripps Fuels Her

For Annabel Barraza ’14, there is nothing like being in the heart of back-to-back national presidential elections. Fascinated by politics and grassroots organizing, she spent her junior year exploring off-campus study opportunities in Washington, DC and Ecuador and learning how different political organizations work together across national borders.

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Izzy Hendry ’14 : From Atlanta to Amman, via Scripps

Izzy Hendry ‘14 wants to work toward a career in the Middle East teaching refugees — and she’s well on her way as a 2014 Fulbright English Teaching Assistant grant recipient. The fellowship gives her the ability to teach English, study Arabic, and find an internship doing what she loves most in Amman, Jordan.

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Mackenzie Leake ’15 : Goldwater Scholarship recipient to pursue future in computer science

While some undergraduates enter and leave college undecided about their professional callings, Mackenzie Leake ’15 has always had her eye on the prize.

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May 8, 2014

Scripps College Capstone Day 2014: Celebrating Student Research

The 110 Scripps College seniors who presented their theses at “Capstone Day” explored a wide range of academic topics that included evolving racial and gender identities to shifting consumer preferences in music to molecular dynamics in DNA.

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May 6, 2014

Scripps College Faculty Member Selected as a National Endowment for the Humanities Scholar

Scripps College Professor of Music Hao Huang was one of 16 educators selected nationally by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) Summer Scholar program to participate in the seminar “Arts, Architecture, and Devotional Interaction.” During the four-week summer program, Huang will be at the University of York in York, England to conduct research.

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Scripps College Professor Discusses Food Politics on Statewide Public Affairs Program

Scripps College Professor of International Political Economy Nancy Neiman Auerbach was a recent featured guest on “California Edition,” a statewide public affairs program that reaches up to six million California homes. Her interview will air twice daily this entire week at 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. on the California Channel.

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May 2, 2014

Charlotte H. Johnson appointed Scripps College vice president for student affairs and dean of students

Scripps College President Lori Bettison-Varga today announced the appointment of Charlotte H. Johnson as the College’s new vice president for student affairs and dean of students.

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