
Newsroom (page 76)

February 21, 2020

In the Media: Allie Rigby ’14 Explores Petaluma on NPR’s Living on Earth Podcast

Allie Rigby ’14 was featured on NPR’s Living on Earth podcast, reading an essay about her life as an outdoor educator in Petaluma, California.

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February 20, 2020

Spotlight on Faculty: Nicholas Kacher, Assistant Professor of Economics

Last fall, 11 new tenure-track faculty members joined Scripps College. As part of our ongoing series on Scripps’ faculty, the Office of Marketing and Communications recently sat down with Nicholas Kacher to discuss entrepreneurship, local economies, and open spaces.

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In the Media: Photograph by Ken Gonzales-Day Now Resides in National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Magazine Reports

Professor of Art and Fletcher Jones Chair in Art Ken Gonzales-Day’s photograph of the Portrait of Shonke Mon-thi^ now resides in the Smithsonian’s National Portrait Gallery, per Smithsonian magazine. Shonke Mon-thi^ was a priest of the Gentle Sky clan and a member of an Osage delegation that came to Washington, D.C., in 1904 to negotiate the land and mineral rights of his nation.

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February 19, 2020

In the Media: Claremont Courier Profiles Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery Curator Meher McArthur

The Claremont Courier profiled Meher McArthur, the Gabrielle Jungels-Winkler curator of academic programs and collections at Scripps’ Ruth Chandler Williamson Gallery.

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February 17, 2020

In the Media: Los Angeles Times Highlights Scripps Presents Event with R.O. Kwon and Maureen Corrigan

The Los Angeles Times featured Scripps Presents’ recent conversation between author R.O. Kwon and NPR book critic Maureen Corrigan in its list of weekly literary highlights.

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February 14, 2020

In the Media: Professor Roberto Pedace Examines Hollywood’s Diversity Issues in MarketWatch

In a MarketWatch op-ed, Professor of Economics Roberto Pedace examines a possible reason for demographic disparities in Hollywood films: studios’ concerns about international revenues. According to Pedace’s research, “adding just one nonwhite lead actor led to a 40% decrease in international revenue,” an effect that disappears in the domestic film market.

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Lightning in a Bottle: Scripps’ Olive Oil Wins at International Competition

Scripps’ olive oil has won a bronze medal award at the 2020 Los Angeles International Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition. The label, designed by Scripps staff member Christine Olbrech, administrative assistant for the Office of Information Technology, also won a bronze medal for package design.

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Professor Melissa Coleman’s Paper on Zebra Finches, Co-Authored with Students and Alumnae, Shortlisted for Journal of Experimental Biology Prize

Associate Professor of Biology Melissa Coleman’s paper on the mating song preference of zebra finches was shortlisted for the Journal of Experimental Biology’s Outstanding Paper Prize.

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February 13, 2020

In the Media: KCRW Interviews Leaders of Beyoncé Mass Worship Service at Scripps

KCRW interviewed Reverend Yolanda Norton, who founded the Beyoncé Mass worship service, and September Penn, whose worship group led the service at Scripps.

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February 12, 2020

Mary Routt Chair of Writing R.O. Kwon: Making Space for Women Writers of Color in the Literary World

When bestselling author R.O. Kwon came to Scripps as the 2020 Mary Routt Chair of Writing, she knew she wanted to bring other women artists to campus, especially women writers of color. The need for more inclusive literary representation is a value that’s reflected in her upcoming Scripps Presents conversations, as well as in her course syllabus on what she calls “eye-opening writing,” which features work by Shirin Neshat, Frida Kahlo, Susan Sontag, and Maggie Nelson.

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