Jose Arreola,
Pronouns: He/Him
Office: Steele Hall 222
Office Hours: Monday 11:30AM – 1:00PM and Tuesday 11:00AM – 12:30PM
Academic History
B.A. in Psychology - California State University, Northridge
M.A. in Clinical Psychology - California State University, Northridge
M.A. in Social Ecology - University of California, Irvine
Ph.D. in Psychological Science with emphases in Developmental and Health Psychology - University of California, Irvine
Academic Focus
My research utilizes community-based approaches to examine, through a developmental and ecological lens, the various psychosocial and cultural contexts that influence youth development and adjustment across multiple domains of life functioning including mental and physical health, emotion regulation, academic success, and interpersonal relationships, with an emphasis on minoritized populations. Specific areas of focus include cultural resilience, attachment, stigma, discrimination, violence exposure, and health disparities in minoritized communities.
Selected Research and Publications
Marquez, C., Kazmierski, K., Carballo, J.A., Garcia, J., Avalos, V., Russo, L.N., *Arreola, J., Rodriguez, A.H., Perez, A.A., Leal, F., Torres, G., Montiel, G., Guerra, N., Borelli, J.L. (2023). COVID-19 and the Latinx Community: “Promotoras Represent a Community in Pain.” Journal of Latinx Psychology, 11(2), 148-165.
*Arreola, J., Russo, L.N., Cervantes, B., Paredes, P., Hernandez, H.S., Marquez, C., Montiel, G., Leal, F., Guerra, N., & Borelli, J.L. (2022). Más Que Palabras: Understanding the Mental Health and Behavioral Consequences of Sociodemographic Risk and Deportation Fears in Latinx Families. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.
Russo, L.N., *Arreola, J., Montiel, G., Torres, G., Leal, F., Guerra, N., & Borelli, J.L. (2022). Examining Interpersonal Traumas Across Low Income Latinx Mother-Youth Dyads: Associations Between Maternal Child Abuse Exposure and Racial Discrimination with Mother and Youth Psychopathology. Child Psychiatry & Human Development, 1-14.
Borelli, J.L., Russo, L.N., *Arreola, J., Cervantes, B., Marquez, C., Montiel, G.,- Carballo, J.A., Avalos, V., Garcia, J., Bhatt, I., Torres, G., Leal, F., & Guerra, N. (2022). Saving a seat at the table for community members: co-creating an attachment-based intervention for low- income Latinx parent-youth dyads using a promotor/a model. Research In Psychotherapy: Psychopathology, Process And Outcome, 25(1).
Borelli, J.L., Russo, L.N., *Arreola, J., Cervantes, B., Hecht, H., & Leal, F., Montiel, G., Paredes, P., & Guerra, N. (2021). Más Fuertes Juntos: Attachment relationship quality, but not demographic risk, predicts psychopathology in Latinx mother‐youth dyads. Journal Of Community Psychology, 49(6), 2086-2105.
Borelli, J. L., Yates, T. M., Hecht, H. K., Cervantes, B. R., Russo, L. N., *Arreola, J., Leal, F., Torres, G., & Guerra, N. (2021). Confía en mí, Confío en ti: Applying Developmental Theory to Mitigate Sociocultural Risk in Latinx Families. Development and Psychopathology, 33(2), 581-597.