Julin Everett,
Associate Professor of French and Francophone Studies; Chair, Department of French and Francophone Studies
Julin Everett is a first-generation American. She was a first-generation college student during her undergraduate studies in Classical Music at Boston University. She holds a Ph.D. in Francophone Studies from UCLA. Dr. Everett responds to the pronouns she and her.
Academic History
Ph.D. in Francophone Studies, UCLA
B.A. Magna Cum Laude in Classical Singing, Boston University
Academic Focus
French and Francophone Studies
Visual Studies
Postcolonial Studies
Shoah Studies
Queer Studies
Courses Taught
FRENCH 44 - Advanced French
Selected Research and Publications
Le Queer Impérial: Male Homoerotic Desire in Francophone Colonial and Postcolonial Literature. Rodopi-Brill, 2018.
Scene/Unseen. Public Installation on Portraits of Jews Wearing the Yellow Star. At Ursinus College, with Cari Freno. Aug. 2017-Jan 2018. https://www.ursinus.edu/about/sceneunseen/
“Survivantes vivantes du genocide rwandais: Un Entretien avec Léo Kalinda, réalisateur de Mères Courages” Nouvelles Éditions Francophones, Fall 2018.
“The Textual Ceremony: Writing against Trauma in Calixthe Beyela’s La Petite fille du réverbère” co-authored with Katerina Dee The French Review, 91.2 (December 2017).
“Must la Victime Be Feminine? Postcolonial Violence, Gender Ambiguity and Homoerotic Desire in Sony Labou Tansi’s Je soussigné cardiaque.” RAL 44.1 (Spring 2013).
“The Postcolonial Orphan’s Autobiography: Authoring the Self in Jamaica Kincaid’s Mr. Potter and Calixthe Beyala’s La petite fille du réverbère” College Literature 36.3, 2009.
Translation of “Les banlieues du politique: Des luttes des héritiers de l’immigration postcoloniale en France” by Ahmed Boubeker. In French Cultural Studies Dominic Thomas, ed., 24.2 (May 2013).
Translation of “Créolisation” by Dominique Chancé. The Creolization of Theory. Françoise Lionnet and Shu-mei Shih, eds. Duke University Press, 2011.
Translation of excerpts of "L'Europe et les Antilles: Une interview d'Edouard Glissant" by Andrea Scwieger-Hiepko. The Creolization of Theory. Françoise Lionnet and Shu-mei Shih, eds. Duke University Press, 2011.
Awards and Honors
Lloyd Jones Award for Excellence in Advising and Mentoring, Ursinus College, 2018.
Research Award for Archival work in Senegal, Appalachian State University, 2012.
Dissertation-Year Fellowship, UCLA, 2009-2010
Alice Belkin Fellowship, UCLA, 2006-2007
Summer Research and Mentorship Fellowship, UCLA 2005, 2006
Eugene Cota Robles Fellowship, UCLA 2004-2005/2007-2008