Zsofi Valyi-Nagy,
Visiting Assistant Professor of Art History
Academic History
Ph.D., Art History, University of Chicago
M.St., English Language, University of Oxford
B.A., Visual Arts & Linguistics, University of Chicago
Academic Focus
Art and technology; media archaeology; critical oral history; disability studies
Courses Taught
- European Modernism, 1840-1940
- Seminar in Modern Art
Selected Research and Publications
- “Toward a Science of Art: Visual Research in Europe,” in Electric Op, edited by Tina Rivers Ryan. Buffalo, NY/London: Buffalo AKG Art Museum/Giles. (Forthcoming)
- “Herstory or Mine? Writing Feminist Histories of Art with Self-Mythologies in Mind,” in Theorising the Artist Interview, edited by Lucia Farinati and Jennifer Thatcher. London: Routledge (Forthcoming)
- “Between the Lines: Zsofi Valyi-Nagy on the Art of Vera Molnar” (Cover story), Artforum International, May 2024, 102-111.
- “An Interview with Vera Molnar,” in Right Click Save: The New Digital Art Community, edited by Alex Estorick. Berlin: Vetro Editions, 2024: 20-31.
- “Screenshots from the 1970s: Vera Molnar’s Experiments in Interactive Computing,” in NEW MEDIA IN ART HIST0RY // TENSIONS, EXCHANGES, SITUATIONS, edited by Melissa Rérat, Régine Bonnefoit, and Samuel Schellenberg. Berlin: De Gruyter, 2023, 17-28.
- “Feeling into Paula Dawson’s Holograms.” Art Journal 81:1 (Spring 2022): 14-26. DOI: 10.1080/00043249.2022.2040240
Awards and Honors
- Postdoctoral Fellowship, Getty Research Institute, 2023-2024
- Twenty-Four Month Chester Dale Predoctoral Fellowship, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art, 2021-2023
- One-Year Research Grant, German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Institut für Medienwissenschaft, 2021-2022
- Dean’s Award for Graduate Student Teaching Excellence, Division of the Humanities, University of Chicago, 2021
- Graduate Student Teaching Award, Department of Art History, University of Chicago, 2021
- Independent Study Grant, Franco-American Fulbright Commission, Centre André Chastel, Paris, France, 2020-2021
- Dissertation Fellowship, Dedalus Foundation, 2020-2021