
Gabriella in England

Ask me where I've been: England

Major(s) Molecular Biology
Hobbies Running, reading, cooking
Hometown Seattle, Washington
Program/Study Site IFSA Oxford Pre-Med Biochemistry Program
Gabriella in England | England

Why study abroad?

Take advantage of the opportunity to have multiple academic experiences in college.

Why did you choose England?

One of the best options for studying abroad for a full year as a science major! Taking science classes in a foreign language was not a possibility for me, and this was an amazing program to get to go abroad while still keeping up with my major requirements. Additionally, the structure of study was really appealing to me, as they take a more one-on-one approach to learning, supplemented with larger university lectures.

What courses did you enroll in while abroad?

All things Biochemistry and molecular biology! I fulfilled four major requirements and one GE.

What was your living situation?

Single room in a dormitory building, with a large communal kitchen shared by 12 students.

What did you do for fun?

Trips to local museums, parks and pubs.

Highlights of the program:

Spending time in a research lab, learning from some incredible scientists and solidifying research as a career path. Getting to dress up for dinners, formals and even balls hosted by the colleges. Going to see speakers at the Oxford Union. The events hosted by IFSA—I was not expecting these to be anything more than ice breakers, and I was very wrong. I would really recommend any IFSA program; I made really close friendships with other students studying abroad on their planned trips and events for us. I felt really supported by their advisor on site, and they are a good organization to provide a backdrop to your experience while not dominating it. I felt like a regular student 90% of the time, but it was nice that other 10% to get the extra support in a new place.

The most challenging aspects of your experience:

Americans are not necessarily seen in the best light by the average Brit. Adjusting to not expecting everyone to be friendly right off the bat took a while, and can feel personal.

Final comments or suggestions for future participants:

I wish I had gone to more organized events! It’s easy to self-isolate, especially in a colder and darker winter season than in southern California, and I wish I had taken advantage of the opportunities to attend free events and speakers more. Pack some dress-up attire, you will definitely use it!!


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