Getting Started

Emily's field trip with a Sienese art history class to San Gimignano

The earlier students plan for studying outside of Claremont, the more options are possible.

Steps to take

  • Mention interest in studying abroad or interning in Washington, D.C. or the exchange with Spelman College in Atlanta with your faculty adviser early.
  • Enroll in the appropriate language courses to ensure the language requirements are met.
  • Check with faculty advisers and the Office of Study Abroad and Global Education (SAGE) to learn which requirements are best completed at The Claremont Colleges.
  • Attend a SAGE Information Session early in sophomore year but first-years are also welcome to attend to start planning ahead. Sessions are offered weekly in the first two months of each semester. Contact us for dates and times.
  • Program representatives occasionally visit campus; watch for them outside the dining hall or at the SAGE Expo that happens each fall.
  • Research the approved program options to find the best fit.