
Los Angeles Women Letterpress Printers

– Out of Print –

We intended to write a book about American women’s printers marks. When we found that even Claire Van Vliet of Janus Press did not have a printers mark, and that many Los Angeles women did, we decided to concentrate on local printers exclusively. We decided to include those women actively involved in letterpress printing who had their own presses and equipment, several of whom also taught printing in the area. The four students and instructor conducted eighteen interviews, visited studios, set the type, printed and bound the 100 copies. We printed on Ingres Antique paper. All copies were printed on our Vandercook Universal III proof press. The front and back matter were set in 12/14 pt. Ehrhardt, which was given to us by Lillian Marks of Plantin Press. The text pages were set in various typefaces. The binding structure is non-adhesive using an unsupported link stitch with Rives BFK paper wrappers. The size is 6.25 x 9.5″.

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Scripps College Press 1030 Columbia Ave. #2025 Claremont, CA 91711 Attn: Tia Blassingame
If you would like more information, please call (909) 607-3866.
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