Mission Driven Outreach

The world that Scripps students occupy today is dramatically different than the one that existed when the College was founded almost a century ago—and today’s students are radically different from those who will attend Scripps a decade from now.
As the pace of change continues to accelerate, we must ensure that Scripps’ mission endures and that our students continue to graduate prepared to “contribute to society through public lives of leadership, service, integrity, and creativity.”
We will develop partnerships, programs, and spaces that connect Scripps to the dynamic social fabric of Los Angeles, the Inland Empire, and Southern California, harnessing the power of our students, faculty, and alumnae to generate solutions to the world’s most complex problems and to extend Scripps’ legacy of societal impact into the next 100 years.
Current Initiatives
Curricular Community Engagement
To be successful leaders and engaged citizens, our students must participate in productive work with the broader community and develop the skills to think innovatively about the challenges facing members of our local community and our world, so that as graduates they can fully contribute to society through leadership, service, integrity, and creativity. Given the expertise of our faculty, the academic strength of our students, and our proximity to both the Los Angeles area and the Inland Empire, we are ideally positioned to provide the bridge between societal needs and interdisciplinary academic knowledge through critical, creative, and innovative thinking. This curricular community engagement initiative focuses on development of community engagement courses and strengthening existing and launching new partnerships and collaborations with local organizations.